Bring your vision to life in an attractive website

Websites for passionate entrepreneurs

who make the world more beautiful

Do you have a passion?

A desire to make a positive impact. A soul mission. A dream you live for. Something inside you that you want to share with the world

That’s why you’re looking for an online presence that brings out your passion just as beautifully. One that makes its value visible and tangible to your target audience online. So that the right people find you and respond to your irresistible offer.

Here you will find all the tools and guidance

Feeling at ease and confident in your marketing starts with the quality of your website.

Is your website completely aligned with you, your mission and goals?




All-embracing 1-on-1 journey where, step by step, we explore your unique vision and create a website that reflects your beautiful offering. What does your destination look like?

Perfect for those who need a website that doesn’t fit into a template and love a highly personalised, trajectory-based approach.

Hi, passionate entrepreneur
You are not made to just run along. You were made to make a difference! You consciously stepped away from the busy rat race to get closer to yourself. To your dreams, your desires, your own rhythm, …

Each of us has a unique mission to make the world a little more beautiful. We need your passion! And I would love to help you share it with the world.

It’s time to let all the beauty inside you come out and shine – in your website.

You deserve a website that is as attractive and memorabel  as your offering

You want …

your own customer base and not depend on unpredictable social media algorithms.

a beautiful, high-quality website that is user-friendly for your customers as well as for you.

to go online as soon as possible and send your great offer into the world.

But …

you don’t know where to start and what should be on it.

the technical side scares you and you doubt you can do it.

you have such a busy schedule that you can’t deal with this yourself.

Imagine …

your website is coming online soon.

you are so proud of it that you want to show it off to everyone.

it gets you (the right) customers.

you can easily edit it yourself.

you’ve saved a lot of time as well as blood, sweat and tears

Freedom  ~  Authenticity  ~  Creative expression

Do you also care about these values and
would you like to put them into practice with me?

Kim - look&feel websites voor gepassioneerde ondernemers


I’m Kim

Multipassionate, creative, multilingual… and driven by a desire to create beautiful things and keep evolving.

I help passionate entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, service providers bring their vision to life by helping them create an attractive website. An online reflection of what they stand for and the beauty they have to offer.

Because I think it’s a waste when you have such a beautiful offering that creates so much value for your audience, but it doesn’t really come across. I believe you deserve a website that is as magical and attractive as your offer, so that not only you but your ideal customers online can see and feel that too. That way, you can truly put your passion into the world and grow your business.

Goede review professionele website ontwerp

“My site was in need of a major makeover. With Kim, I immediately had a very good feeling.

Very happy with the professional result! Truly a top site!

Very good communication, guidance and follow-up from start to finish. Thanks a lot!”

Make-up artist & event agency

Goede review professionele website ontwerp

“We had a nice introduction and I actually always go by my gut and that was good, even though you didn’t have that much experience as a freelancer yet. I also enjoy working with people who have a drive and passion and you have that.

At the design stage, I loved seeing that all the colours and images work well. That it really becomes what is envisioned.

Super nice girl, understands a lot about holistic sites and visions. Thinks along very well, and everything she makes looks good.”


Ayurvedic therapist & yoga teacher

Goede review professionele website ontwerp

“I am very satisfied with the logo and the website. It looks very good and clear! Thank you Kim.”


B&B host

Goede review professionele website ontwerp

“Super happy to meet you!

What a difference from my old website! I’m happy with how it’s put together, really professional.”


Chef, caterer

Goede review professionele website ontwerp

“Wonderful website!

I received the manual well and am going to look at it all carefully. It already looks very neat!”


Project manager

Kim Delbarre High Vibe Websites voor gepassioneerde ondernemers

Go online with confidence

Let your vision shine online with a personalised website that completely suits you, your vibe and your services.

Are you a coach, therapist, yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, personal trainer, nutritionist, wedding planner or otherwise making people’s lives more beautiful?

With my holistic approach, I help translate your vision into a high vibe website: authentic, attractive and strategic.

I strive for alignment with your business to create a powerful whole where all parts work beautifully together and every detail consciously contributes to your goals from a place of pure intention.

Imagine being able to confidently direct visitors to your website, knowing that it presents your offering in the best possible way so that it resonates with the right customers and makes your marketing go a long way.